There’s Chuck, Where’s Chuck?

Image of the remains of a park bench, following it being set on fire.
‘There’s Chuck!’. ‘Where’s Chuck?’. (A5 photo and text) – Tina M.

‘There’s Chuck, Where’s Chuck?’ (A5 photo).

I first met Chuck in the York Explore library, and then all over York.  He would be walking about, with two sticks decorated with ribbons and brightly coloured materials. Chuck and I would always have a good chat about being alive, exciting memories and other stories from his walk abouts.

He is a friend that I met in the street. When I didn’t see him for a while, I would think, ‘where’s Chuck, then when I’d see him I’d say ‘there he is’ and be glad I saw him. He said in early 2020 that the COVID 19 would take away many of us.  I haven’t seen Chuck lately. I miss Chuck, I’m wondering where he is.  

Tina M, 2021.

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