
Photo of a handprinted flyer on handmade paper. The flyer shows at the top a doodle of the workhouse with a pair of lips and a finger in the 'shush' position, a pair of scissors and a dress. The text reads, ' Shush, Snip Rip - A disability arts and archive showcase. Fri 12th, Sat 13th, Sun 14th July 2024 – York, Explore. Come discover histories of disabled people at York Union Workhouse. Explore current issues with Disability Artists and the Mother Carer. Question what has changed, or not and imagine with us a brighter, inclusive future. See www.sidbaility.net for more.

Creators and Makers: Alfie Fox, Kerry Fox, and Luca Young; Becca Cooper, Andy Pollin, Eileen Stroughair, Laura Humphrey and Michael Scott from York People First; Lydia, Poppy, Martha, Amie, Max, Emmerson, Ethan, Noah, Henry, Grace, Freya and Jake from Blueberry Academy; Imogen Kate and Stephen Lee Hodgkins. Coordinated by Holly Beer and Dave Fleming from York Explore Library and Archive.

Shush, Snip, Rip  is a new exhibition exploring the histories of Disabled people and is inspired by collections in Explore York Archives. It takes as a starting point “irregularities” reported at the York Union Workhouse during the Victorian era and also addresses current issues faced by Disabled people and their families, creating a powerful connection between the past and the present. The exhibition at York Explore will include a visual art exhibition, installation, and immersive experience and is part of Explore York’s National Portfolio (NPO) activity programme delivering Arts Council England’s “Let’s Create” strategy. 

Shush, Snip, Rip is the culmination of a year-long collaboration between disabled artists and two local organisations for Disabled people, York People First and Blueberry Academy. Together they explored York’s archive collections through the lens of Disability Arts, unearthing untold stories, and responding to them. Shush, Snip, Rip is a dialogue across time, giving a voice to those often excluded from historical narratives and highlighting the ongoing challenges and achievements of Disabled individuals and  communities. The exhibition features work by Alfie Fox an award-winning multimedia artist, Leeds-based Pyramid Arts, artist Kerry Fox, and York community artist Stephen Lee Hodgkins.  

Explore invites you to celebrate this fusion of history and art and join in an important conversation about disability rights and representation. 

For further information contact shushsniprip@sidbaility.net

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